Breathe In, Breathe Out

Posted on Jul 2, 2007

It has been an absolutely batty six weeks.

You already saw all about my trip to RailsConf.

I’ve been engaged in a lot of communication with the executive team at ALTERthought, which is where I work. Those communications have gone in a lot of different directions, but there have been a number of good outcomes. I feel that I am contributing more to the organization in new ways that help me grow as a professional. I’m cutting my teeth on preparing and presenting large-scale, long-term service engagements which is new to me. That’s in addition to making sure that ALTERthought remains a premier supporter of Ruby on Rails in the Southeast. Exciting stuff!

And that’s in addition to actually performing my first billable work in a long time, and the first time I’ve worked for a client on site at my job. I still haven’t left the Vantage Place parking lot since December of 2005 for my day job, though. How bizarre.

The wedding approaches. The invitations are set to go out on Monday. There is a lot left to do, but Megan seems happy about taking it all on, at least. We talked last night about how awesome the entire event is going to be. I really hope that a lot of my friends scattered throughout the country will decide to come, although I know it can be expensive.

My fantasy baseball team took the biggest toilet dive that I’ve ever managed. A combination of injuries, bad drafting, and bad strategy are to blame. Rice failed to make it to the title series in the College World Series for the second year in a row after beginning 2-0 in bracket play. Not encouraging sports news, perhaps I’m earning karma for football season.

Megan ended her school year successfully and is now weighing her options for employment. Our financial advisor paid her a very nice compliment by indicating that he would like to see her working alongside him at New York Life. There is a lot to respect about that company and that profession; I also know that Megan would do a great job.

Jeremy, Tasha, Bill, Rob, and Kate are all doing well, and I’m excited to have a close group of friends in town.