State Of My Life

Posted on Sep 12, 2005

Richmond RING

I am the membership chairman for the Richmond Real Estate Investors Networking Group. It’s a group that has a handful of experienced real-estate investors, willing to share their knowledge. I’ve already learned a lot from the group, and I hope it continues to thrive despite the poor showings from the last two months.

I’m preparing an application to help me manage the membership details. I’m using Ruby on Rails and AJAX to help me keep up with incoming flow of people as they walk in the door. This application I can later expand to be useful for CISV, as well.

Online Creative Real Estate Center

I am the sole member of Online Creative Real Estate Center, LLC. I am preparing this application for use within an advanced real estate investing group here in Richmond. It is my first real serious Rails application, and it has required serious work. I have gotten Trac and Subversion working at TextDrive and that’s really helped me stay organized, as I only get to focus on that application from time to time.

I am also learning the ropes of actually being an investor from these fellows. I may soon be attempting to contact those with delinquent income tax in my county and seeing if they’d like to sell me their house on the cheap. With help from AAA Investors, I can make some money if someone says yes.

The House

The new house is looking great. I really like the color scheme that we’ve ended up with, and you can judge for yourself by viewing my house photos on flickr

There’s still quite a lot of work to do. We will be focusing on the house landscaping soon, and trying to finish up all the elements on the inside. We’ve been working on getting the bushes and trees trimmed up this last week.

The Blog

The blog is obviously righting itself. You can keep track of my progress in the lower right corner, where I let you know what changes might be in store.


It didn’t take long for this college football season to get interesting, with almost every team in the top 10 either losing or having a close call.

My fantasy teams seem to be performing pretty well. Of course, we’re almost done with the afternoon games, so there’s still plenty of football left.