Unfrozen Caveman Blog

Posted on Mar 8, 2004
  • My birthday was awesome, in terms of stuff at least. I got more gifts than I have in the past ten years, including $300 at Ikea. I’m really looking forward to getting my new apartment, whenever that happens. I was in a new apartment the other day that made it look like you can get the surround-sound speaker wire run for yourself. How great would that be? Obviously, in terms of people contact, that could have been a little better.
  • The work project has gone well. I made a pretty big mistake in one area, which I’m trying to work past. Luckily the area I made the mistake in wasn’t the main reason I was hired, so as a result I’ve gotten to focus a little more on my main task. As a result, I’m almost certain I’m going to deliver on time, and that will boost my karma.
  • I am debt free for the first time since ‘97. It feels pretty good, but actually less good than you’d think. Now I guess it’s time to focus on my get-rich-and-famous-and-change-the-world plan.
  • My music collection has been getting a fair bit of attention lately. After recovering from a hard drive crash (man was THAT easier than it could have been!) I finished off tagging the rest of my MP3’s. Now I’m looking to get my live music in order. After my work project concludes, I consider it highly likely that I’ll be writing a web application for my own music collection, and then everyone else gets to use it.
  • I started Netflix again. I figure it’s a cheap way to keep everyone entertained. Start looking for those reviews to show up, and to hear from me more in general.

I’m going to hold off on the post about the conference I went to this past weekend. It went really well, in the meantime.