OK Player Rap Up

Posted on Jan 5, 2004

The show itself was tight. Skillz was awesome, the highlight of the night. I would jump at the chance to go see Skillz as a headliner. When he stepped on stage to rap that first joint, it was tiiiight, and the CD’s I picked up of his seem to indicate that he has the material to pull it off. Rumor is that he’s leaving Rawkus as well.

Jean Grae was incredible as well, I got albums from them both. J-Live was awesome, but I have his rekkids. Vast Aire had a sore throat and couldn’t go. Everyone on OK Player forums was talking up Little Brother. They were enjoyable and all that, and they did their jobs, but I didn’t feel it all that much. Everyone talks bad about the Def Jux performance. Sure, it wasn’t the same crunk level as everything else– but I guess these people are used to dancing for three hours straight. I have to have a little bit of down time myself.

As for my plans to tape, I at least have all the gear now, and I actually asked the sound guys about it. I forgot my permission slip from BTAT, though, so that was as far as I got. Someday– maybe My Morning Jacket at the Canal Club at the end of the month.

2003 Rap Up by Skillz– joint of the year!